Introduction Augmented reality is the effect of superimposing content over reality by viewing it through a mobile device, or special glasses or other screen. The effect only works if the viewing device knows how to identify a “target” and has an app installed which can then generate the related augmented reality content. Creating an augmented reality artwork is as simple as downloading an app that can relate an image of
Continue Reading >The Montreal Printed Arts Festival Presents: Print Augmented, a Distroboto project Friday 12th, 2:00 – 3:30pm WIP (Work in Progress) – 3487 Saint-Laurent, 1st floor, free admission Facebook event After months of research and workshops exploring the potential for integrating augmented reality with printed art, we’re very excited to share the results with you during the Montreal Printed Arts Festival at the WIP! Montreal’s internationally reknowned expert in the field,
Continue Reading >GRANDE Print Art Fair Montreal Printed Arts Festival April 13 – 14, 12h – 18h WIP (Work In Progress), 3487 St-Laurent (accessible), free admission Facebook Event The GRANDE Print Art Fair brings together more than 50 artists and organizations selling posters and printed art in the context of the Montreal Printed Arts Festival. Silkscreen prints, posters, letterpress, engravings, every form and every new trend in printed art will be on
Continue Reading >Volume 1 MTL Art and the Book ARCMTL is proud to unveil the programme for its newest project, Volume 1 MTL : an Art Book Fair prefaced with a week full of presentations, workshops and discussions about artists’ books and books on art. This programme invites the curious to discover places and people that are at the core of artists’ book production in Montreal, and take in presentations of recent
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